Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sarah and the Turkey

I was really looking forward to Thanksgiving at my daughter's home last year. There was a lot to be thankful for. I passed up my usual robust portion of turkey, however, thanks to Sarah Palin and MSNBC. At an Alaskan turkey farm, the Governor, after granting a "pardon" to one of the Toms, gave a lengthy interview, while turkeys were being slaughtered just over her shoulder. It wasn't pretty. The TV coverage of the event was nonstop all day and night and can still be seen on YouTube. I fear I can never again look a turkey sandwich in the face. Call me squeamish, but I can't get the bloody scene out of my head. I am thinking 'vegetarian' or maybe even 'vegan.' I hear they do wonderful things with soybeans now-a-days. The turkey industry has enough problems with the troubled economy. The fact that millions of viewers witnessed this appetite-killing spectacle can't be good. When asked about the suitability of the backdrop, she said something like: "No problem." What should we expect from someone who brags about shooting wolves from helicopters?

Terry Tynan

1 comment:

  1. ....and claims she could see Russia from her backyard.
